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What Is Immigration Amnesty in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Immigration amnesty is a legal term that provides certain illegal aliens with the legal right to stay in the United States, either on a permanent or temporary basis. In most cases, immigrants who apply for amnesty avoid their home country for various reasons, such as religious or political prosecution. If, for whatever reason, you need to apply for amnesty in the United States, contacting an Milwaukee immigration lawyer is a must. 

For Miller & Miller Immigration Attorneys, no case is too difficult. Their legal team is prepared to provide prudent assistance and effective solutions in any legal matter. They have worked with clients who need adjustment of status, temporary protected status, VAWA, orphans, special immigrant juveniles, families immigrating to the US, and applicants going through the employment-based immigration pathway.

Using our extensive experience, knowledge, and skills in immigration law, we will help you achieve your immigration goals easily. We aim to preserve justice and strengthen the community. Request a free immigration  consultation now if you need assistance with immigration amnesty. 

Why do I need an Immigration Lawyer in Wisconsin?

Navigating and comprehending immigration policy is a difficult task. You may be wondering why you need an immigration attorney at this point. Selecting the right attorney is one of the essential decisions you must make. Take note of the following characteristics to get the best results possible: 

  • Experienced – Immigration in the United States is one of the most complicated law practice areas. You deserve an experienced and competent lawyer who can handle your case with excellent diligence, drawing on their years of experience. 
  • Personalized Service – Every case involves unique solutions that address various immigrant rights. Don’t settle for an immigration firm that provides the same solution to all situations. Your circumstance is unique. You deserve an immigration attorney who specifically deals with every detail of your case.
  • Provides Sound Strategies – Helping individuals in difficult circumstances requires excellent strategic thinking. Other than their extensive years of experience, consider also choosing an immigration lawyer who has proven their competence in the state by providing sound legal strategies to achieve their clients’ immigration objectives.

Miller & Miller Immigration Attorneys acknowledge that every immigration case is unique. That’s why, using our knowledge and more than 20 years of experience, we provide immigrants with highly personalized legal help. By developing a judicious strategy, no case is too difficult for our legal team. If you need help, start a free initial consultation now

What Is Immigration Amnesty?

Once in a while, the US Congress grants blanket green card eligibility to individuals residing in the US illegally. Immigration amnesty covers the government giving pardon to individuals for using false or forged documentation to get employment in the US and stay in the country legally, and would permit illegal aliens or undocumented immigrants to gain permanent residency status in the US. On the other hand, asylum or refugee laws encompass situations where the individual has yet to fly from their homeland.

Who Qualifies For Amnesty Protection?

Depending on the circumstances, an individual is usually granted amnesty. In most cases, however, amnesty requires that an individual meet several eligibility requirements, such as:

  • No criminal records or charges
  • Currently residing in the United States consistently for 10-20 years, and;
  • Shows no signs that the individual will be charged or burdened to the state if obtains citizenship.

Individuals should prove that they would face direct and real threats if they were required to return to their native land. For instance, if a person’s family was detested because of their last name and was subjected to

  • Interrogations
  • Persecution 
  • Physical harm

A person should prove the persecution in their home country. Immigration amnesty is uncommon among any other form of legal immigration status, but it has been utilized over the years, particularly for families and individuals who are dealing with extreme political persecution.

When is Immigration Amnesty Granted?

Amnesty does not apply to individuals automatically. It is given after an individual enters the borders of the United States. Amnesty may also be granted in cases of illegal immigration, although it can only be done under special circumstances. Amnesty can be given in cases where:

  • Persecution exists – The foreign national deals with immediate and real persecution if they return to their homeland. This typically pertains to political persecution. Individuals must encounter imminent death or harm if they return to their home country.
  • US residency is fulfilled – The alien must have been residing in the United States for a considerable amount of time. This is usually applied to people who entered the country illegally. 
  • No criminal history – The person shall have no criminal record. Multiple citations or misdemeanors can result in serious felony charges in some cases. 
  • No civil charge – The Wisconsin examiner must make a determination as to whether or not the alien will not be subject to a civil charge. This implies that the person will not hamper the state’s resources. Aliens may become immigrant workers, increasing their chances of obtaining asylum. 

Can Immigration Amnesty Be Revoked?

Yes. A person may still be subjected to removal or deportation after being granted amnesty. For instance, if a person commits a criminal act, they may be legally deported from the country if they have a temporary visa.

It is worth noting that repeated less-serious criminal offenses can have the same consequences as a felony charge. This may differ in cases where an involved individual has been granted legal status.

How To Apply For Amnesty?

To apply for immigration amnesty, an individual must file with the proper United States immigration office, for instance, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Depending on the individual’s case, submitting various forms might be a requirement, such as Form I-698. The requirements will be dependent on each individual’s situation.

What To Expect During Immigration Amnesty Application?

When applying for immigration amnesty, remember that your background and residence history may be scrutinized. This examination will reveal your information, such as that about your loved ones, which might have an impact on their immigration status as well. For instance, an immigration amnesty application might subject an individual or someone close to them to a removal investigation. 

Call our Immigration Attorney Now!

Not sure whether immigration amnesty is what you need? That’s entirely normal. The United States Immigration Act employs perplexing terminology that would be difficult for the average person to comprehend fully. In situations like this, you need to contact an experienced immigration attorney for assistance. 

Miller & Miller Immigration Attorneys has more than 20 years of experience helping families and individuals handle confusing legal matters, whether for a green card application, a U-Visa or VAWA application, or US citizenship. We also help illegal immigrants obtain legal status.

We personalize our services because we acknowledge that your situation is unique. If you need to apply for immigration amnesty, our legal team is more than willing to assist. Besides immigration, we can also help you with Bankruptcy and Personal Injury concerns. Let’s talk about your case and schedule a free initial consultation today!

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